I have a few pinnipeds to showcase today! Starting with the walrus!

Did you hear about the walrus who just recently sink a Russian Navy boat??

What I love about little salt and pepper shakers is that they highlight the things you recognize that thing for. In the case of the walrus it’s those tusks! I assumed when researching about walruses that it was only the males that have these tusks for fighting but apparently the females have them too. They used them for digging up oysters and other things. Apparently the female used them to sink a ship! 🙂

The other pinniped in this collection I will be showing is the sea lion. Smaller than the walrus but also walks on all four flips but much more graceful on land than the walrus.  They are more graceful because they are just more agile. That agility and smarts is what lead them to perform well in the circus as in shows.

I fond memories of seeing them at the San Diego Zoo when I was a little kid and thought they were one of the smartest animals I had ever seen. This next piece is a tribute to that grace, cuteness and smarts that these wonderful creatures possess.